Remember how horrible the Batman movies used to be i.e. Batman Forever and Batman & Robin? I'm glad that's over with. The Dark Knight trailer is out and I'm actually looking forward to it.
My contribution to the holiday gift exchange extravaganza. Inside was DJ Shadow's the Outsider and Thievery Corporation's Sounds From the Thievery Hi-Fi. 200% excellent if you ask me.
we got separated from the group because sarah's bike got a flat tire.
luckily the guy in the hat behind me was a super bike guru and fixed the flat in a flash. he started this organization called "the bike oven" which aims to cultivate a bike culture in la. they give lessons on bike repair and maintenance for free with the help of donations and he goes on these rides to help out people who are having problems and make sure things are running smoothly.
as soon as you get back to america we have to go on a ride through la. it's so fun to just cruise through all of the intersections and disregard the stoplights. being around hundreds and hundreds of people who just like to ride bikes is an amazing thing.
i've been thinking more about the songs that manifest themselves in my head when i've just awoken or while i'm in the shower. i don't seek out this music, i don't have any of the songs on my computer, i don't hang out with people who do. i realized that even though i don't watch much tv anymore most of these songs are absorbed unconsciously through commercials. and more specifically ringtone or cellphone commercials. it's like smog that settles into the valleys and seeps into everything. carrying dust, grime, and pollutants into faraway cities, houses, and bodies at a slow and subtle pace. when i was in elementary school you knew smog was out there and you avoided it and went on with your life until you came home from playing outside all day and your lungs were stinging with each breath. i wonder if my mom wakes up some mornings with songs like akon's "smack that" accidentally spilling out of her subconscious into the shower, unaware that this pollution had passed through her as it slips down the drain. or maybe to her, after a lifetime of being bombarded with advertising jingles, commercials, and pop music it just sounds the same, like buzzing.
$20 for bags that don't even have the right logos? china reminded me of one big garage sale. some people have shops and stands and some people have a chair with four packs of cigarettes on the sidewalk.